Development & Investment

In recent years, significant developments have been undertaken at Musselburgh Racecourse with more than £7.5 million invested into the facilities including a prestigious new hospitality stand (The Queen's Stand), refurbishment of the Edwardian Grandstand and all public areas, the building of the Links Pavilion housing many essential customer facilities, a new Weighing Room and entrance complexes, a new Parade Ring, new stables and ground staff facilities and extensive landscaping plus improvements to the track itself.
The track improvements have involved integrating a strip of fibresand into the jumps turf track around the winning post bend. This £100,000 investment improves the surface around the bend and maintains a consistent racing surface to ensure the welfare of all horses, in a previously difficult area, throughout the jumps season. £100,000 to tarmac the inner access road to improve accessibility for the veterinary team and the medics to the racetrack during the races.
Musselburgh Racecourse has invested £140,000 in an Owners and Trainers Marquee and this exclusive facility provides privacy and comfort for racehorse owners and their trainers, where they can discuss horses, relax with refreshments or celebrate a win. Investment in the Owners’ experience has resulted in the Racehorse Owners Association Gold Standard Award for since 2008.
Musselburgh Racecourse has also invested in innovations around the racecourse to enhance the visitor experience which included £10,000 investment in directional and informative signage, the upgrading of toilets and redesigning of the race programme to become more user friendly and informative for novice race-goers and seasonal racegoers. Development of our picnic lawn has provided an area on family racedays for a 'kids zone' in the form of a children's party paddock or marquee. Recently, we invested £120,000 in a re-purposing project to meet the demands for restaurant facilities on-course.
Continuous improvements are being made to utilise Musselburgh's Racecourse TV to provide comprehensive information to customers about the course, our suppliers and our commitments to great customer service.
A measure of our success is the annual increase in visitor numbers and the quality and calibre of the racing field that the Racecourse attracts. In addition, we actively seek regular and ongoing feedback from stakeholders and strive to improve and deliver the 'Musselburgh Experience'.
Musselburgh Racecourse are delighted to have been awarded the Racecourse Association 'Showcase Champion' 2023. An accolade which encompasses a great measure of the commitment and desire to continuously improve all that there is to offer in Scotland's 5* VisitScotland Racecourse. We have retained our 5-star Visit Scotland status for over a decade.
Over the next five years, we have some exciting plans and we are in the planning stages to implement £1.2m investment to enhance the ‘Musselburgh Experience’.